Friday, April 22, 2011

Let's Move ~ America's Move to Raise a Healthier Generation of Kids

At the beginning of last year, First Lady Michelle Obama "announced an ambitious national goal of solving the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight and unveiled a nationwide campaign – Let’s Move – to help achieve it." 

Read the entire press release from the White House explaining: what the campaign will combat; what their doing for support; statistics on American obesity; the campaign's specific goals; and other detailed information about the campaign.  

Visit the website you can find how to raise healthier children; tips on eating healthy; how to be add activity into your life; and how YOU can become involved.

Follow the blog to learn about the latest developments of "Let's Move".

Watch a VIDEO that Michelle Obama released for the one year anniversary of her nationwide campaign.

Friday, April 15, 2011

5, 2, 1, 0 Lets Go!

"Let's Go!" is a community-based initiative to promote healthy lifestyle choices for children, youth, and families.

5 or more fruits and vegetables
2 hours or less recreational screen time
1 hour or more of physical activity
0 sugary drinks

Check out the website at 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What are Antioxidants?

We hear about them all the time, but what exactly are they?

Read this article by Cynthia Sass, reigistered dietician and certified specialist in sports dietetics.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"The Hawaii Chair"

This is a home workout product that I found on an informerical.  It is called the "Hawaii Chair." It has been reviewed on The Ellen Show and Rachael Ray.

The "Hawaii Chair" claims to make working-out effortless.  It claims that you can even use it while your working at your office. It claims to help you "stay in shape while you're sitting down."

*Here is the truth: There is no such thing as an effortless workout. Exercise is not easy and requires hard work.  If the exercise machine that you're using claims to give fantastic results with little to no effort, it most likely won't work. If the product does not make you break a sweat or elevate your heart rate, you're probably not going to get the results that you want.*

Watch this funny VIDEO clip of Ellen Degeneres demonstrating the "Hawaii Chair."