Friday, February 25, 2011

Run Across America with Dean Karnazes

Dean Karnazes is a famous marathon runner, known as "Ultramarathon Man". His latest endeavor is to run 3,000 miles across America!

He will run 40 to 50 miles per day for nearly 75 days!

He has been featured on the television show Live with Regis and Kelly for the past week or so. Today the entire show was dedicated to Dean Karnazes.  It was filmed live from Disneyland, CA where Karnazes began his run today!

Check out this VIDEO CLIP from Live with Regis and Kelly explaining what kind of preparation it takes by a team to complete Karnazes' run!

Karnazes is a role model to many people, inspiring them to get active and stay healthy.

Check out Dean Karnazes' page here on Live with Regis and Kelly's website.
You can follow his run, learn interesting facts about him, donate to "Action for Healthy Kids," a non-profit charity, and much more!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Food Feature ~ Prunes

Although people usually don't think of prunes as a tasty treat, they actually are good for you and taste good too.

Prunes have antioxidants, fiber, and are good for your digestive tract.  You can buy them in a package like this, where they come in individual packs.
A bag like this contains 8 individual packs of prunes. Usually three prunes come in one pack.

I personally like these individual packs because they are a convenient snack to grab on the go.

There are also "Sunsweet Ones," which is a large package of individually wrapped prunes. (One prune = one wrapper) Just like a piece of candy--a Hershey Kiss for example.

If you have never tasted a prune, I highly recommend that you do. 
A prune has a VERY sweet taste to it. 

*****A prune is actually a dried plum.*****

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cola Controversy

We all know that soda is not good for you because of the high amounts of sugar and caffeine, but did you know that it might cause CANCER?

According to this video from CNN, chemicals in cola may cause cancer.

Watch the VIDEO here.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Food Feature ~ Natural Peanut Butter

Natural peanut butter is better for you than other peanut butters.

The difference is that one is hydrogenated and the other is not.

Hydrogenated--means that it (oil) is heated and hydrogen bubbles are passed through it. 

Brands like Jiff, Peter Pan, etc. are hydrogenated. Therefore the peanut butter is smooth throughout, and the oil is evenly distributed throughout. It is more "processed" if you will. This is bad because it adds TRANS FAT. Trans fats are arguably one of the worst fats for your body.

Natural peanut butter is NOT hydrogenated. It's appearance is much different than that of hydrogenated peanut butter. All of the peanut oil rises and gathers on top of the butter. Unknowledgeable people might be wary of this because food that has a watery appearance is often thought of as being spoiled. But this is not true in this case.

Here is the important part. Under the "Nutrition Facts" on the food label of the hydrogenated peanut butter it reads "Trans Fat - 0g." On the un-hydrogenated peanut butter the Trans fat reads 0g. 

The trans fat on the hydrogenated peanut butter is NOT TRUE! The FDA doesn't put decimals, so technically it is 0.5g trans fat per serving but instead they put 0g. 0.5g of trans fat adds up over time.

The natural, un-hydrogenated peanut butter trans fat label reads TRUE - 0g! So that is why the natural peanut butter is better for you!

It's a little complicated to understand but now you know a little more about peanut butter and the way in which it is made. (And in case you were wondering, natural peanut butter tastes the same as hydrogenated peanut butter.)

This is one example of a brand that makes natural peanut butter.

Here is a link that explains more about hydrogenation.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"The 5 Foods for Better Health"

I found this article on (linked above).  It explains that if by eating the right foods you can lower your risk of cancer and increase your lifespan.

Check out the article here.

You might be surprised as to what some of the foods are!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Flavorful, Heart Healthy Meals

This VIDEO aired on the Today Show yesterday. 

Ellie Krieger from the Food Network talks to Matt Lauer about how to prepare healthy beef stew with butter-nut squash and salmon with chickpea ragu.

Ellie shares that you should eat minimally processed foods thereby having more antioxidants and fiber.  She also says to eat low amounts of sodium and in order to do so without reducing taste you should add other spices to take the place of salt. And she also highlights that by eating fish 2 times a week it gives you a healthier heart.
