Friday, February 25, 2011

Run Across America with Dean Karnazes

Dean Karnazes is a famous marathon runner, known as "Ultramarathon Man". His latest endeavor is to run 3,000 miles across America!

He will run 40 to 50 miles per day for nearly 75 days!

He has been featured on the television show Live with Regis and Kelly for the past week or so. Today the entire show was dedicated to Dean Karnazes.  It was filmed live from Disneyland, CA where Karnazes began his run today!

Check out this VIDEO CLIP from Live with Regis and Kelly explaining what kind of preparation it takes by a team to complete Karnazes' run!

Karnazes is a role model to many people, inspiring them to get active and stay healthy.

Check out Dean Karnazes' page here on Live with Regis and Kelly's website.
You can follow his run, learn interesting facts about him, donate to "Action for Healthy Kids," a non-profit charity, and much more!

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