Monday, January 31, 2011

Sugar and Fat ~ Break the Addiction

Did you know that sugar and fat have a similar effect on the brain as cocaine and heroine? YES it's true.
This VIDEO aired on The Doctor Oz Show and it is VERY interesting.

I am sure that the majority of people will learn something by watching this video about how sugar and fat affects the brain and body.

Click the link below to watch the video.   (Part 1)
(Once taken to the site click below to watch Part 2.)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

BMR ~ Basal Metabolic Rate

Everyone has a  BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate.  This is the amount of calories that your body burns on a metabolic level on a daily basis.  It is the amount of calories that your body burns by just breathing, digesting food, keeping your heart beating, and other internal processes.

In other words it is the amount of calories that your body would burn if you laid in bed all day and did nothing.

Everybody's BMR is different depending on gender, height, weight, and age.

There is an equation that is used in order to calculate your BMR. (There are two different equations, one for men and one for women.) Be sure to choose the correct one for you.

Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )

Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

The number that you come up with at the end is your pesonal BMR. It is the amount of calories that your body needs for internal processes, NOT CONSIDERING ANY OTHER EXERCISE THAT YOU DO INCLUDING TAKING A SHOWER, WALKING THE DOG, CHEWING GUM, FIDGETING, MOVING YOUR ARMS, WASHING DISHES, IRONING, COMBING YOUR HAIR, EXERCISING, etc. (I think you get the picture by now.)

Not only is this number important to know because it gives you an idea of how many calories you can eat if you barely do any exercise or movement some day, but it is just plain interesting and fun to know because each person's BMR is unique and personal.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Book Review: "Nutrition and You" by Joan Salge Blake

If you are a person that enjoys reading in depth about nutrition then this book is for you.

"Nutrition and You" was actually my textbook from a college level nutrition class that I took.

(That dark black spot is not a part of the book, it's from a sticker.)
I highly recommend this book.  I never came across a book so in depth about all the elements of nutrition. 

It has 15 chapters including:
"What is Nutrition"
"Tools for Healthy Eating"
"The Basics of Digestion"
"Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and Fiber"
"Fats, Oils, and Other Lipids"
"Proteins and Amino Acids"
"Minerals and Water"
"Weight Management"
"Nutrition and Fitness"
"Life Cycle Nutrition: Pregnancy through Infancy"
"Life Cycle Nutrition: Toddlers through the Later Years"
"Food Safety and Technology"
"Hunger at Home and Abroad"

Throughout the book are charts, tables, diagrams, pictures, and equations, as well as text. 

At the beginning of each chapter there are approx. 10 true or false questions to test your prior knowledge of the subject. 
Chapter 1 True or False Questions

At the end of each chapter the book provides you with numerous online web sites relating to that chapter. Also at the end of each chapter it provides you with a recap of the main points, along with study guide questions.

The best price that I have found for the book is on ~ $39.97

Other online sites offering the book for sale include:
  • ~ bids starting at $24.99/ Buy It Now $68.95 

  • ~ used $100/new $140 
(I am not responsible for anything bought off of the above websites. As everyone knows buying online is sometimes not secure, and products are not guranteed, etc.)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Low Calorie Pasta Recipes with Video

Ariane Duarte, Prevention magazine's contibuting chef and former contestant on Top Chef, explains that you can still indulge in pasta without it being unhealthy.

She shares recipes for
  • Stuffed Shells with Vegetable Tomato Sauce
  • Spaghetti and Meatballs
Her recipes are less in calories, fat, and carbs. Some of her key points are that by adding extra vegetables to the dishes it makes it possible to eat a bigger portion with less calories and more flavor; by using whole wheat or grain pasta it adds more fiber to the dishes; by using lean meat such as ground turkey or chicken for the meatballs it saves half the calories and adds more fiber; by substituting part cottage cheese for part skim ricotta cheese it saves 90 calories and 8.5g of fat.    

Check out the VIDEO CLIP from NBC's Today Show where it shows how to make the dishes mentioned above.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Food Feature ~ The Laughing Cow Cheese

Every week I plan on doing a "Food Feature" and this week's is going to be The Laughing Cow Creamy Swiss cheese.

The reason why I chose this product is beacuse each wedge is only 35 calories which is drastically lower than most other cheeses. (1 slice of swiss cheese from the deli is 70 calories.) So you get a lot of taste for not a lot of calories. Since they are individually wrapped it is GREAT portion control as well!

There are 8 wedges in each container. They are individually wrapped in foil. The cheese is very soft and easily spreadable, ready to eat on crackers, fruit, and more!

The Laughing Cow wedges come in 7 varieties. (6 out of 7 varieties are only 35 calories!)

Flavors include
  • Light Garlic & Herb
  • Light French Onion
  • NEW! Light Blue Cheese
  • NEW! Light Mozzarella, Sun-Dried Tomato & Basil
  • NEW! Light Queso Fresco & Chipotle Here is a link to a page on the website listing each variety it comes in along with the nutrition facts, and what's best to eat it on! :) ENJOY

P.S. Be careful to get the "Light" Swiss and NOT "Original."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Diet S.O.S. with Joy Bauer

Joy Bauer is the resident nutrition expert for NBC's Today Show.

Here is the link to her latest weekly appearance where she discusses if the hype surrounding acai berries is really true and if keeping a food log actually helps you stay on track.

All past weekly videos can be found on her website:

Monday, January 24, 2011


Some people get on a streak of hard-core dieting (trying to stick to an unreasonable, outrageous diet and exercise routine), and once either-- A.) they lose the amount of weight that they wanted, or B.) they become too discouraged because it is impossible to stick to their diet and don't see results--their weight shoots back up again.

For example, say there's a person that weighs 145 lbs. and they want to lose 15 lbs. for a reunion that's coming up soon, BUT instead of making manageable, lifestyle changes, the person goes on an insane diet of only eating 700 calories/day for 2 weeks. (The average person should consume between 1800 to 2000 calories/day.) The person only eats lettuce, carrots, celery, and a piece of bread with water every day for 2 weeks. Then as a result they lose the 15 lbs. in time for their reunion.  When the reunion is over, they go home and throw their diet out the window. They accomplished their goal, so now they don't need to diet anymore. But from feeling sooo deprived over the last 2 weeks, and sooo hungry, they start to eat everything in sight. For the next 2 weeks they eat everything in sight and in huge portions--whole cakes, whole pizzas, 2 "Big Macs" at the drive through window. The person now weighs themselves and finds that they not only gained back what they lost, but more! The person now weighs 155lbs.   
                         This is known as "yo-yo" dieting.

****Did you know that having your weight go up and down over and over again is bad for your heart's health! It is also bad for your heart's health if you skip meals, or go for a long time without eating. It puts unnecessary strain on the heart, which can ultimately result in DEATH!**** 

Here is what you SHOULD do in order to maintain a healthy weight:
Do not go on extreme diets! Usually all people that diet end up gaining the weight back, plus more! Instead make lifestyle changes--something that you can maintain for your whole life. Eating a healthy diet is not hard, but people make it hard on themselves. Create a plan that is right for you--something that is REASONABLE and not outrageous. Stick to that plan everyday, and you will see results over time! This way the weight stays off for life. :) 

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Eating healthy, nutrient dense foods does mean giving up flavor and taste. It also does not mean that you have to give up your favorite foods. 

Did you know that it is acceptable to eat dark chocolate every day? Yes, it's true. The darker the better. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that some studies suggest protect against cancer. 

There are simple modifications that you can make to recipes in order to make them healthier:
  • When making muffins, breads, and cakes use applesauce in exchange for oil, therefore cutting down on fat and calories.
  • On sandwiches use mustard instead of mayonaise. Mustard has 0 calories and 0g of fat while mayonaise has 90 calories and 10g of fat per serving! WOW
  • Use a vinagarette, or oil and vinegar, dressing on salads instead of others. Other dressings are extremely high in fat and calories while vinagarette (balsamic, raspberry, & blueberry) contains no fat and low calorie.
  • Instead of boxed pancake mix made with white flour, make whole wheat , wheat germ pancakes. They are simple to make and taste the same as pancakes made with white flour.

****Almost everything comes in REGULAR, LOW FAT, or NO FAT versions. Always buy the NO FAT or LOW FAT versions, never buy REGULAR.

Here are some examples that you should always buy fat free instead of regular. And here's the best part: THEY TASTE THE SAME AS REGULAR.

Fat Free Whipped Cream or "Reddi Wip"

Fat Free Frozen Yogurt

This way you still get to eat the foods that you love, but they are modified in order to be healthier.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


You shouldn't wait until you are so hungry that you're practically starving to eat. If so you are more likely to eat quickly and therefore overeat.

You should take your time when you are eating. It takes about 20 minutes after you eat something in order for your stomach to realize it and signal the brain that you're full. If you eat fast then you will most likely overeat because you won't realize when you've had enough.

If you take time to savor and enjoy your food, then you will not only have a more pleasant, stress free meal, but also have a better chance of feeling satisfied and full, therefore keeping you from overeating which can lead to weight gain.

Friday, January 21, 2011


There are two concepts that you chould understand...
1. The more intense that the exercise is, such as extreme cardio or any other intense exercise, you will mostly burn CARBS.

2. Exercises like moderate to slow walking, for a longer amount of time (like 1 hour), will mostly burn FAT.

Now I'm not saying that by doing aerobics with cardio that you will not burn any fat, because you WILL burn a little.

And remember not to get too picky about doing exercises.

Any exercise that you can manage to fit into your day is a positive thing.

**You burn the most amount of fat when you are ASLEEP!**
That is why not getting enough sleep can lead to being overweight. (Along with it being your body's time to "recharge" for the next day.)

(This does not give you the right to sleep all day with the excuse that you are "burning fat.")

It is recommended that you get 7 - 9 hours of sleep per night.

You need to sleep when it is time to sleep, and wake when it is time to get going with your day! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I was watching the Dr. Oz show this morning and I found this segment on sugar. I feel that he does an excellent job of explaining the effects that sugar has on the body. 

(Once this page comes up, you will will need to click below for parts 2 and 3.)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The saying that states, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," has some truth to it.

By eating breakfast you kick-start your metabolism.  Your metabolism will be revved up for the entire rest of the day therefore allowing you to burn calories faster.

Many people, both children and adults alike, do not eat breakfast.

It is important for children to eat breakfast because it can help them concentrate in school.  If a child is sent to school hungry, he or she will be focused on his or her hungry stomach, wondering how long it is 'til lunch time.  The child's mind will be on food and will not be paying attention to the teacher and his or her schoolwork.

Also, by eating protein for breakfast it can improve concentration and brain function. The same goes for adults.

Let's go over some good food choices for breakfast.
  • Cereal~ whole wheat bran flakes are an excellent choice!(There are sooo many sugar-y cereals. Try to stay away from cereals such as Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs, Oreo Cereal, Frosted Cheerios, etc.) Plus the milk in cereal is a good source of calcium.
  • Oatmeal~ helps you stay fuller for a longer amount time because of fiber. It is an excellent choice because it helps to clear toxins and such out of your body. (You know how after you make oatmeal and there's some left in the pan and its very sticky and hard to get out? Well that stickiness is what grabs "things" as it goes through your intestines, etc. helping to clear them out.)
***I highly recommend adding blueberries or sliced strawberries or bananas atop of cereal or oatmeal. They not only add a sweetness, but add more taste as well. And the best part is they're good for you. Strawberries add vitamin C, bananas add potassium, and blueberries are considered a super-food, EXTREMELY good for you all around. Nuts are recommended too- almonds and walnuts are good choices. Did you know that almonds can LOWER CHOLESTEROL? Well they can!
  • Eggs~ a good source of protein. (I wouldn't recommend eating eggs EVERY morning, but once or twice a week is ok) You can eat them a variey of ways to suit your preferences--hard boiled or scrambled. It is not recommended that you consume under cooked or raw eggs. SO I do not recommend eating over easy or "dippy" eggs due to the bacteria.
  • Toast~ 100% whole wheat toast is recommended (Make half of your grains for the day whole grains.)
  • Fruit~ Choose your favorite fruit. Bananas, oranges, or grapefruits are good breakfast fruits.
  • Yogurt~ an exellent source of calcium. Yogurt often has a lot of sugar added because it tastes very plain without it. Try to find a brand with the least anount of sugar. I have found that greek yogurt often has the least. Since it comes in flavors like honey, strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, and vanilla, you can a flavor that suits your taste. 
  • Glass of milk~ 1% or fat free milk (NEVER DRINK FULL FAT MILK)
  • Tea~ from a tea bag 
Pick and choose 2 or 3 items + a beverage from the above list to eat for breakfast. For example you could have a bowl of cereal, a banana, and a cup of tea. Or a bowl of oatmeal, an orange, and glass of milk.

***Beware of juices like orange juice and grape juice, etc. You might think that they are good for you, but when in reality they're not really. They are FULL of sugar, and are high calorie. (As much calories as in a soda, and about as much sugar as well.)
Also, muffins, other pastries like donuts, and sugar-y lattes from famous coffee franchises don't exactly qualify as good breakfast material. Try to stay away from these food items. It is not recommended to eat sugar filled foods on an empty stomach. You will get a sugar spike and have a high, and later in the day have a drastic decrease in energy. Eat a more stabilizing breakfast instead. 


Drink water or tea instead of other drinks filled with sugar and calories.

Now I'm not talking about most bottled teas sold in stores.  I'm talking about buying tea bags.  In addition to being MUCH more economical, tea bags have 0 calories!! Most bottled teas have 100 or so calories per serving. This is mostly because of the sugar. That's as much as soda! 8/

Even if you would put a teaspoon of sugar in your tea, that would only add 15 calories--wayyy better than the 100 calories found in bottled teas and sodas.

Let's compare:

SODA: 100 calories and 27 grams of sugar (in 1 serving)
TEA from a tea bag with 1 teaspoon of sugar: 15 calories, 4 grams of sugar

Another benefit of tea is that it is high in antioxidants which evidence shows protects against cancer.

There are many different kind of tea bags to choose from, GREEN TEA, RASPBERRY TEA, etc. so you never have to be bored with flavor!

*If you MUST have a soda, try having a glass of water too. Take a sip of soda and then take a sip of water. By doing this you still get to drink some soda, but you probably won't drink as much soda as you would have if you didn't drink water too. The water will cut down on your thirst, therefore probably not allowing you to be able to drink as much soda as you would have without sipping on the water as well.