Monday, January 24, 2011


Some people get on a streak of hard-core dieting (trying to stick to an unreasonable, outrageous diet and exercise routine), and once either-- A.) they lose the amount of weight that they wanted, or B.) they become too discouraged because it is impossible to stick to their diet and don't see results--their weight shoots back up again.

For example, say there's a person that weighs 145 lbs. and they want to lose 15 lbs. for a reunion that's coming up soon, BUT instead of making manageable, lifestyle changes, the person goes on an insane diet of only eating 700 calories/day for 2 weeks. (The average person should consume between 1800 to 2000 calories/day.) The person only eats lettuce, carrots, celery, and a piece of bread with water every day for 2 weeks. Then as a result they lose the 15 lbs. in time for their reunion.  When the reunion is over, they go home and throw their diet out the window. They accomplished their goal, so now they don't need to diet anymore. But from feeling sooo deprived over the last 2 weeks, and sooo hungry, they start to eat everything in sight. For the next 2 weeks they eat everything in sight and in huge portions--whole cakes, whole pizzas, 2 "Big Macs" at the drive through window. The person now weighs themselves and finds that they not only gained back what they lost, but more! The person now weighs 155lbs.   
                         This is known as "yo-yo" dieting.

****Did you know that having your weight go up and down over and over again is bad for your heart's health! It is also bad for your heart's health if you skip meals, or go for a long time without eating. It puts unnecessary strain on the heart, which can ultimately result in DEATH!**** 

Here is what you SHOULD do in order to maintain a healthy weight:
Do not go on extreme diets! Usually all people that diet end up gaining the weight back, plus more! Instead make lifestyle changes--something that you can maintain for your whole life. Eating a healthy diet is not hard, but people make it hard on themselves. Create a plan that is right for you--something that is REASONABLE and not outrageous. Stick to that plan everyday, and you will see results over time! This way the weight stays off for life. :) 

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