Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The saying that states, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," has some truth to it.

By eating breakfast you kick-start your metabolism.  Your metabolism will be revved up for the entire rest of the day therefore allowing you to burn calories faster.

Many people, both children and adults alike, do not eat breakfast.

It is important for children to eat breakfast because it can help them concentrate in school.  If a child is sent to school hungry, he or she will be focused on his or her hungry stomach, wondering how long it is 'til lunch time.  The child's mind will be on food and will not be paying attention to the teacher and his or her schoolwork.

Also, by eating protein for breakfast it can improve concentration and brain function. The same goes for adults.

Let's go over some good food choices for breakfast.
  • Cereal~ whole wheat bran flakes are an excellent choice!(There are sooo many sugar-y cereals. Try to stay away from cereals such as Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs, Oreo Cereal, Frosted Cheerios, etc.) Plus the milk in cereal is a good source of calcium.
  • Oatmeal~ helps you stay fuller for a longer amount time because of fiber. It is an excellent choice because it helps to clear toxins and such out of your body. (You know how after you make oatmeal and there's some left in the pan and its very sticky and hard to get out? Well that stickiness is what grabs "things" as it goes through your intestines, etc. helping to clear them out.)
***I highly recommend adding blueberries or sliced strawberries or bananas atop of cereal or oatmeal. They not only add a sweetness, but add more taste as well. And the best part is they're good for you. Strawberries add vitamin C, bananas add potassium, and blueberries are considered a super-food, EXTREMELY good for you all around. Nuts are recommended too- almonds and walnuts are good choices. Did you know that almonds can LOWER CHOLESTEROL? Well they can!
  • Eggs~ a good source of protein. (I wouldn't recommend eating eggs EVERY morning, but once or twice a week is ok) You can eat them a variey of ways to suit your preferences--hard boiled or scrambled. It is not recommended that you consume under cooked or raw eggs. SO I do not recommend eating over easy or "dippy" eggs due to the bacteria.
  • Toast~ 100% whole wheat toast is recommended (Make half of your grains for the day whole grains.)
  • Fruit~ Choose your favorite fruit. Bananas, oranges, or grapefruits are good breakfast fruits.
  • Yogurt~ an exellent source of calcium. Yogurt often has a lot of sugar added because it tastes very plain without it. Try to find a brand with the least anount of sugar. I have found that greek yogurt often has the least. Since it comes in flavors like honey, strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, and vanilla, you can a flavor that suits your taste. 
  • Glass of milk~ 1% or fat free milk (NEVER DRINK FULL FAT MILK)
  • Tea~ from a tea bag 
Pick and choose 2 or 3 items + a beverage from the above list to eat for breakfast. For example you could have a bowl of cereal, a banana, and a cup of tea. Or a bowl of oatmeal, an orange, and glass of milk.

***Beware of juices like orange juice and grape juice, etc. You might think that they are good for you, but when in reality they're not really. They are FULL of sugar, and are high calorie. (As much calories as in a soda, and about as much sugar as well.)
Also, muffins, other pastries like donuts, and sugar-y lattes from famous coffee franchises don't exactly qualify as good breakfast material. Try to stay away from these food items. It is not recommended to eat sugar filled foods on an empty stomach. You will get a sugar spike and have a high, and later in the day have a drastic decrease in energy. Eat a more stabilizing breakfast instead. 

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