Friday, January 21, 2011


There are two concepts that you chould understand...
1. The more intense that the exercise is, such as extreme cardio or any other intense exercise, you will mostly burn CARBS.

2. Exercises like moderate to slow walking, for a longer amount of time (like 1 hour), will mostly burn FAT.

Now I'm not saying that by doing aerobics with cardio that you will not burn any fat, because you WILL burn a little.

And remember not to get too picky about doing exercises.

Any exercise that you can manage to fit into your day is a positive thing.

**You burn the most amount of fat when you are ASLEEP!**
That is why not getting enough sleep can lead to being overweight. (Along with it being your body's time to "recharge" for the next day.)

(This does not give you the right to sleep all day with the excuse that you are "burning fat.")

It is recommended that you get 7 - 9 hours of sleep per night.

You need to sleep when it is time to sleep, and wake when it is time to get going with your day! :)

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